Conclusion : In Atma Jaya medical students, it is found that there is a significant difference between years of study to the 3 components of learning motivation. Furthermore, a negative correlation is also observed between the test anxiety component and academic achievements. Result : From the 3 components observed, that is the value component, the expectancy component and the test anxiety component, all showed a significant difference when linked to years of study. All of those componenets are then linked to gender, academic achievements and years of study. The results of the questionnaire is then translated into 3 components, that is the value component, the expectancy component and the test anxiety component. The respondents were given a MSLQ questionnaire that makes use of the Likert scale. Samples are gathered from preclinical medical students of Atma Jaya in the year 2012, 20. Methods : The research design used is an analytical study with cross-sectional approach. Moreover, there are also observed differences between motivation seen n the light of the student’s demography. There are a lot of modifiable risk factors that could demotivate students such as a bad relationship with fellow students and the abuse of drugs. Jenis: Theses - Karya Tulis Ilmiah Kedokteran (KTI-FK)įulltext: KTI Juvenius Martin.pdf (808.96KB 70 download)Ībstract Background : Learning motivation is an essential aspect inherent to medical students. Penerbit: Fakultas Kedokteran Unika Atma Jaya Tempat Terbit: Jakarta Utara Tahun Terbit: 2015 Topik: LEARNING MOTIVATION Learning Motivation value expectancy test anxiety academic achievements Motivasi belajar prestasi akademik Keywords: problem based learning (PBL) method, activities study result.Hubungan Motivasi Belajar dengan Jenis Kelamin Prestasi Akademik serta Lama Belajar pada Mahasiswa Preklinik Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya Bibliografi Author: MARTIN, JUVENIUS Jena, Yeremias (Advisor) Tanumihardja, Tommy Nugroho (Examiner) (4) students’ completeness in classical could be said complete in math learning through Problem Based Learning using card media. (3) students’ responses to mathematic learning through Problem Based Learning using card media was 795,3% and students who didn’t like math were 82,9%. While average percentage of students’ activities with mental indicator received the lowest percentage for 55,51 % with good enough criteria. The average percentage students’ activities with indicators listening, received the highest percentage for 78,43 Result of students’ activities along Problem Based Learning application method by using card media in first meeting to third meeting always had progress in each indicators. In Meeting III also showed progress for 90,5 with good criteria. In meeting II showed progress for 88,5% with very good criteria. Result showed that: (1) observation result of teacher’s activities done by observer in meeting I with average 84% and good categorized. Research used qualitative technique, observation sheet, responses, and students’ learning completeness. Students’ responses poll used to find students’ responses to math learning through Problem Based Learning using card media. Test used to find out students’ learning completeness. Students’ activities in Problem Based Learning (PBL) using card media method. prestasi / pencapaian t (noun) rok u (noun) blus. Data collection used observation sheet with purpose to find out Buku siswa ini disusun dan ditelaah oleh berbagai pihak di ev bawah koordinasi. Object in this research was students of grade VII MTs Mambaul Ulum Junior High School of Sumbergedang Pandaan with fraction number material. The research used qualitative approach with qualitative descriptive type. Learning through Problem Based Learning using card media. The research aimed to: (1) finding out students’ activities along math learning process through Problem Based Learning using card media, (2) finding out students’ math learning achievement through Problem Based Learning using card media, (3) finding out students’ responses to math PENERAPAN_METODE_PROBLEM_BASED_LEARNING.pdf